Virtual Exhibition - Art Work, Paintings and Calligraphy by Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi. [created by Magokoro Media].

Art Work




(Regulations for those joing the Bujinkan Dojo)

First of all, only those persons who consent to this Bujinkan Dojo agreement and are resolved to adhere to it will be allowed to join. Persons who think they cannot adhere to it will not be allowed to join. Accordingly,


(1) Only persons who have carefully read this Bujinkan Dojo agreement and agree to it will be allowed to join.


(2) Only persons who are able to show the determined consistency of true persevering self-control as martial artists will be allowed to join.


(3) A physician's medical report is required. In particular, persons who are mentally unhealthy, persons addicted to drugs, and those who are mentally abnormal will not be allowed to join.

The "requirement of a physician's medical report" includes, for example, persons having illnesses which risk the prevention of the pursuit of martial arts, and the kind of abnormal personalities, abnormal physical constitutions, etc. which the person cannot personally control.


(4) Persons having a past criminal record will not be admitted. Additionally, persons who behave in a delinquent fashion, persons who commit crimes, and persons who cannot keep the law in Japan will also not be permitted to join.


(5) Persons who do not keep the rules of the Bujinkan, who, as both students and members of society, commit shameful acts will be expelled. For example, there are many persons who, in the past, came to Japan and knocked at the gate of the Bujinkan, but were drunken brawlers, mentally abnormal, those who by their delinquent behavior put their own thoughts first and did not think about the trouble they were causing for others, those who pursued evil desires and committed acts contrary to the traditionally righteous attitude of the Bujinkan. All such people will be subject to expulsion.


(6) With regard to any accidents incurred during training, either in the dojo or another location, only persons who can avoid causing trouble for the Bujinkan will be allowed to join.

This is an important matter. Accidents are inseparable from the pursuit of martial arts, and persons who cannot resolve these matters themselves will absolutely not be admitted. To clarify a second time, the Bujinkan Dojo will assume absolutely no responsibility for accidents arising during the course of training, no matter what the location.


(7) Persons who have joined the Bujinkan must be sure to have the membership card which is issued every year. This is to preserve the honor of Bujinkan members and, as nobility with the peace of the martial heart, to show that warriors of friendship protect the great way of the Bujinkan Dojo by the gathering of comrades who have the heart of the martial artist. The power of warrior virtue, the proven reason for the loyalty, filial piety and love of friends in the martial arts.


(8) The tradition of the Bujinkan is something which shows the universality of nature and the life of the human race, and is that pursuit of martial arts which enlightens the natural mysteries that exist in them.


Know that the secret of taijutsu is the foundation of peace

If you study this, you can walk the path of the immovable heart (FUDOSHIN).


Dojo Instruction


•  Know that perseverance is, first of all, for but a brief period of time.

•  Know that the path of man is justice.

•  Forget the heart of greed, comfort, and discrimination (reliance).

•  Consider sorrow and bitterness to be natural laws, and simply take advantage of the enlightenment of the immovable heart.

•  With a steady heart, do not stray from the path of loyalty and filial piety, aspire deeply to the ways of both literary and martial arts.


The rule of the Dojo is to keep the above 5 laws. Signed:


Meiji 23

Showa 33

Passed on through First Day of Spring

A Lucky Day in March

Toda Shinryuken Masamitsu

Takamatsu Toshitsugu Uou

Hatsumi Masaaki Byakuryuu


(9) After joining, beginning with Taijutsu,


Kyu grades - Beginner

1st dan through 5th dan - Heaven (TEN)

6th dan through 10th dan - Earth (CHI)

11th dan through 15th dan - Man (JIN)



Ranks from 11th dan through 15th dan of the "Man" level will be divided into 5 levels: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void, and will be the highest ranks in Bujinkan Dojo Happo Biken. The 5th dan examination is of a spiritual nature and is something which is done by Soke. A 15th dan will be considered to be a true shihan.
Currently, the Bujinkan Dojo has become worldwide in nature. Just as the Earth has time zones, taboos also exist according to each country and race. Buyu should hold each other in respect, working together as Buyu who do not commit taboos, putting the heart of the martial artist first, placing importance on the pursuit of the martial arts, and strive to become a virtuous person.
The person who cannot hold to the above will be expelled.

Bujinkan Dojo

Soke Masaaki Hatsumi ( Martial Name: Hisamune)
636 Noda, Noda-shi, Chiba-ken 278-8691

The Bujinkan Dojo Headquarters publishes the Bujinkan Densho "Sanmyaku." New members should be sure to read all of them carefully, starting from #1, and read them over many times to avoid taking the wrong path in their pursuit. The awareness and feeling of reading them should completely change by reading right after joining, one year later, and again after a few years, depending on past pursuits. Additionally, "Sanmyaku" contains information on input from the Bujinkan Dojo Headquarters to the world's Buyu, publications, videos, training schedules, etc.






Visit Now the official web site of Bujinkan Greece Ninpô Taijutsu and cherche the International and National Seminars and Taikai [with the famous shihan of Europe].
And more......







Ο όρος Juppo Sessho αναφέρεται κύριως στη χρήση μικρων, συχνα μυστικών όπλων, τα οποία είχαν οι samourai και οι ninja. Kάθε σχολή του Bujutsu αφιέρωνε ένα μέρος της εκπαιδευσης στη μελέτη του Juppo Sessho.
Bujinkan Greece

Saigo no Jissen Ninja Takamatsu Toshitsugu


The DVD on Takamatsu Sensei. The comments on this fantastic film are by Hatsumi Sensei. English subtitles.